Contatta Ismaell
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di A.F.F.: Magister Referendarius In the name of the meeke God and mercifull, to God alone honor and glory This is liber that is the booke of worching that is said Liber Lunae the circle of wich is to the dwellers of the earth It is sothely a booke knowen, and it is cleped as I have said Liber Lunae wherein be the privityes of old wise men that were hid to all men. And he worcheth with it in all men that inhibiteth the earth, and in all men that be under the circle of the moone that is cleped the circle of this world he wrought with it fortune and infortune, profitt and impediment, good and evill, and there belongeth unto yt xxviii mansions or dwellings and xxviii worchings. None sothely of them all is that is made or graven but when the moone was in the same mansion diverse. it is the art of all
Hermes said I have proved all the booke of all planetts But I have not seene a truer neither a perfecter then this party most precious and they nempned it Librum Lunae And the first party of * that is before God I witnes and I admonish that thou hide it from all men or els God shall axe of thee what ever were done by it in the day of Dome ffor with it may be done good things and evill in each moneth and in eache day that thou wylt. And it is the privy name of God and unable to be spoken with wich he [84v] worcheth in all works good and evill ffor he worcheth in it righteous and unrighteous & contrary Keepe therfore that I have written to thee and dread God and beware least thou shew it to any man lest he lese men by it, neither touche he it pollute, that is let him not do in it worchings nor washings, and the worke shall be magnified and it is great. When thou hast made of it the worching, thou shalt enclepe upon it the names of angels serving to the circle of the moone. suffume them 7 tymes with precious aromaticks and suffumigacions And thou shalt make a citacion to it 7 tymes and thou shalt name these names that thou wilt of wich thou hast made worching and the name of the hower and the name of Luna. and the name of the mansion in wich Luna were, and the name of the day in wich he were And if in the same mansions were sely and highe under wich thou makest these most worchings were effect. there shall be speeding of the worke with the helpe of God. Bolemus said when Meliatalh that is Luna in the first mansion that is the face of martis and it is an evill mansion thou shalt make in it the worching of Separation. Albutaim that is the wombe of Ariets and it is fortuna az when Luna descendeth in yt make of all things to be bowed and of them whome thou wilt Joyne togither. Aldeboran 4th wich is the eye of Taurus and it is the evill face of mercury. When Luna [85r] descendeth in it the worchings of all adversityes and evills be made. Almaycen the 5 dwelling evill red the face of Luna. When Luna descendeth in it the worchings of all adversity and of alligacion or buildingthere be made. Althaya the 6 mansion fortuna rubeafacies Saturni. When Luna descendeth in it the worching of them be they done wich thou wilt fulfill the worchings of God according and love be they made
Addiraen the 7 mansion and end of Geminory and is interpreted Brachia and it is a fortune variant that iswhite and red and the face of Jovis. When Luna descendeth in yt be there made worchings of all wylde beasts of concord and of love and of all goods. Innatar the 8 mansion and it is the head of Cancer fortuna rubea and the face of martis when Luna descendeth in it worchings of waters of shippes and offlouds are they made. Alkaud the 9 mansion and thewombe of Cancer and it is interpreted highnes, andit is fortuna Wz or fortune or forme whyte then bemade the worchings of fowles as well of great as of lesse and of culvers and thou shalt profitt. Algeibh is the 10 man. It is the end of Cancer and the beginning of Leo And it is interpreted the front of him and it is fortuna I and the face of Venus with it make the worchings of wolves of foxes and wylde beasts. Azobra is the 11 mansion and the hart of Leo wich by another name is said Azumble wich is evill blacke the face of Mercury. When Luna descendeth in it be the made the wirchings of separacions and of alligocions or bynding of infyrmityes and distinction and thou shalt profitt in them. Algapha is the 12 mansion and the Cauda leonis and caput virginis for: alba. and the face [85v] of Luna. When he descendeth in it Do thou the worchings of coniunction and of all things that thou wilt shape Alans is the 13 mansion and the wombe of Virgo fortuna the face of saturne when Luna descendeth in it make workings of ciniunction and of all things that thou wilt shape and joyne togither. Alchumech is the 14 mansion thend of Virgo fortuna rubea a starre profitable and good the face of Jovis when Luna descendeth in it be there made worchings of inclination and of all love and dilection Algarst is the 15 mansion evill red the face of martis and the head of Libra wich in it make worchings of all evill and tribulation and destruction of hit whome thou wilt lett. Azubene is the 16 mansion evill the face of Solis and the middle of Libra with it be there made the works of separacion of Destruction and of all alligation and Impediment or letting. Alichul the 17 mansion and it is interpreted Corona It is sothely thend of Libra and the head of Scorpio and it is evill the face of Venus. When Luna descendeth in it make thy workings of good and of bynding of tongs and of all silence. Alhebus is the 19 mansion that is to say acus that is a needle It is sothely Scorpio Candey and the head of Sagittary [86r] fortuna the face of Luna when Luna descendeth in it make the worchings of fornication and of sedition and of alligacion and of luste. Anahim is the 20 mansion and the wombe of Sagittary and it is the face of Saturne When Luna descendeth in it make the worching of Jucifation of love and if concord Alberda is the 21 mansion and the end of Sagittary and it is fortuna alba the face of [Jupiter]. When Luna descendeth in it makethe workings of Inclination.
In it be made workings of silence. Ceadaebyh is the 22 mansion and the head of [Capricorn] and it is evill fortune of desolation after Arisltotle comixt the face of [Mars] When Luna descendeth in it make the workings of a good hower and the faces of Luna according to love and concord and reflexion the places of Luna to discord and separacion or Departing of all good Azatalbuta is the 23 mansion an the hart of [Capricorn] and the face of the fortune of him that swoloweth. When Luna descendetb in it that is in that mansion then be made the works of all good Zadac Zahond is the 24 mansion and it is Cauda Capricorni and the head of [Aquarius] And it is fortune of fortunes the face of [Venus] fortuna cu etc the worchings of all good be they done. Cealaghbrah is the 25 mansion of the wombe of [Aquarius] and it is the fortune of tents and the face of [Mercury] fortuna az cu etc maketh the working of silence and bynde under it what ever thou wilt. Alfgarem wich is the 26 mansion and the end of [Aquarius] and the head of [Pisces] the face of Luna. When Luna descendeth [86v] in it then be made the worchings of all recuperations and inclination and of dilection or love of all things. Alfgagir is the 27 mansion and the wombe of [Pisces] and evill mansion and red the face of [Saturn] When Luna descendeth in it then be made the workings of separacions or Departing and of bynding and of all infirmityes. Albecten is the 28 mansion and the cauda pisces and the face of [Jupiter] fortunate and when Luna descendeth in it then be made the workings of all good and of all profitt. Suffumigacions of worchings of dilection and of reflexion and of all good these be the names Alaod alkumeri i signu de Amnaria wich is some Iland in the partyes of India Azafran. Suffumigacions of all departing and of infirmity and impediment thus be nempned alnafac alas ecfor aloes azandall alagmars of everich of them the 4th part of an ownce And thou shalt exercise in all the hower of suffumigacion aswell in the works of good as of evill by 55 angells of whome these be the names. Comeil Cemeil Charochin azardin reanei agras achithim abrancasai larabusin Iangas mangarozan mamenim hacsemim mimgogm labelas mezetin farbarakin candanegin iaciz andonin rasaidin saphianim barthaylin aninei Neilin borcolin balkanaritin arieisin abranorin cannamdin andalasin carnnamdin sarajemin Adiamenim soe saeosin Jachehay feresin deibenim [87r] mediesin heizamamin Janozothin Abramathin bifulica begehalodin gaforin azafirin barionin matnairelin genira manderilin. Bolemus said of these that be necessary this is the Ligacion or bynding, provide to all tongs & harts of them that be accusors and of envious men into worlds of worlds Make of him whome thou wilt bynde and write in the gore
head of him the name of Luna that tyme and thses names of angels under wich is made be they written, whether it be a signe orientall or occidentall meridionall or septentrionall that is to say East or West North or South wich names be these and the names of their signes of the same party write truly in the ridge of name be wich God formed heaven and earth sea and whatsoever is in them And also write these names fro to lett whatever thou wiltlett by the worching of bynding and properitya swell of the sonnes of Adam as of otehr beasts wilde fowles and fishes, and thou shalt grave each party of it And the angels, and if thou readest thesenames to all thing that thou wilt Read tho that be used these sothely they be Lahagenim laghalaghoo layafurin uabalkanarithin. laiagelm. laiaselesyn. But for these names be said to have double effect, it is bound sothely to them what ever thou wilt bynde or thou might let to the same to lose or grant what ever thou wylt. But how these ought to be done say we. When it is intended to this that [87v] the worching of ligacion or bynding be made say the names abovesaid as it is said before in the hower of graving of the worching ffirst they be red by order if the worke of expulsion ought to be done, the names be they red thorder before sett thus for the travaile shall not meve of him that intendeth these names sothely by night from other hid but be he ware that when he cometh to the ficle of any worching in the hower of graving of the names that he reade name what ever he will as regions cityes townes howses man and woman wilde beast and other beast cloudes wyndes bird or fishes or what ever he will bynde or lett afetr the foresaid reason sothely read he and he shall profitt by the power of the creator. This bynding sothly is proved and it is hid to the eyen mouhtes harts and tongs into words the name of the hower Vebiche The 2 worke is made in the 2 hower of what ever day thou wilt, and it is said the worke of love and reflexion and of profitt concord Therefore be made twey worchings of tymes with heads fused in the 2 hower and the names of their lords in their heads be graven. In the brest sothely the name if the Lord of the hower and in the wombe these names following be they written these sothely done, with good waxe be they Joyned togither in the brests, afterward be they buried in the house of thee and in the hower of Sepulcher the 7 names of the first hower be they [88r] red by right order and they loveth themself ever more. These be the names Melkailin. Cadnaelin Amonayelin. farcelin. uorayeylin. affayelin. badrayeylyn. Machiel. Canariel. Amymaryil. fariel noreil azareil Batraiel The names of the hower yenor. The third worching is made in the 3 hower of whatever day thou wilt, and it is sayd the worke of all fowles or fishes and it is of bynding, and be it of tyme of a man or woman or of this whome thou wylt bynde. And the 7 precious names of The 4th worching is made in the 4th hower of what ever day thou wilt make the working of a serpent of silver or of scorpions and Reptiles letting or of dragons It is sothely the worching of divers wilde beats. Be it made to the likenes of wich thou wilnest the binding The name sothely of the same beast in the head. And the name of the Lord of the hower in the brest. and then the 7 names of the first hower in the wombe be they written. And be it buried in the place of the same thing for they shall not remayne there. And in [88v] the hower of sepulcher or graving the 7 names of the first hower be they red the name of the hower turned Oelghil The 5th worching is made in the 5 hower of whatever day thou wilt and it is said the worching of wolves of foxes of cats and of other such. The worching be it nade of silver to the likeness of wich thou wilt. and the name of this in the head and of the hower in the brest, and the 7 names of the first hower be they red. suffumigacion of aloes and indo turned. The name of the hower Coaleth. The 6 worching is made in the 6 hower of what ever day and it is said the over corner of captives and of them that be prisoned, and of them that be constrained and it is of bynding be it made of the 6 hower of tyme to the working of a man. the name of the Lord in the head and the hower in the brest, the 7 names of the first hower in the wombe and beware that thou reade evermore the names of the first hower doing and naming as he teacheth in this suffumigacion with aloes and sandalo rubeo And betake it to the men for whome it is made for from the destruction for wich it were made seene he shall be delivered. Also il thou for eche neede or noy from wich thou wouldest be delivered the name of the hower Jehunor conchor. The 7 worching is made in the 7 hower of what ever day after the strength and order with wich it is profitable to enter to kings that by it most worship be gotten with dilection or love be it made of silver best compowned upon the head of him the [89r] name of the king in the brest the name of the lord of the hower and the 7 names of the first hower or of the second hower in the wombe be they written. This working thus compowned be it borne at the entring before kings the name of the hower Jador.
The 8 worching is made in the 8 hower of what ever day and it is of confusion and disperacion least he may dwell in houses or in habitacions make the working of Saiac that is of an hound of red brasse with twey heads of wich one be of a man and thother of an hound and write the name of the man upon the head of him, and the name of the hower in the brest of him and the 7 names of the first hower in the wombe and suffume with the bloud of an hound slaine or with the fatnes of an hound thou shalt bury it at thy liking for thou shalt see wonderfull things The name of the hower Jasolun or Jasumech. The 9 working is made in the 9 hower of what ever day and it is said thoperacion of bynding of theeves make the operacion of a man of silver and the name of this theefe in the head, and the name of the hower in the brest, and the 7 names above, and the names of angels of obstruction or stopping and suffume thou with Aloes and croco and thou shalt bury it where thou wilt and the theeves shall be stopped leesing their mindes or againe bearing and nothing stealing and deliverance of them is made The name of the hower is Baton or luron The 10th operacion is made in the 10 hower of what ever day and it is for to lose the mouthes of kings or of riche men or of diverse men. Be there made the operacion of a man of silver and the name of angels of love and [89v] bynding and the name and the hower that is of the second hower suffuming of ligno aloes indo zapharam piloso and be it done as above and beare he with him in a cleane white cloth of sylke the 7 names in order be they red The name of the hower Sachon or Sahon The 11 hower and it is to dilection and reflexion betwixt twey odiously having themself to be restored be there made twey operacions of silver or of time and the names of the lords in the head and in the brest the names of dilection or love that is of the second hower and as above suffumigacion be it made conveniently with good odors with aloes and zapharan be it buried nigh an easy fier & faire and they shall come to thee and they shalbe ioyned also the name of the hower Jebrim. The 12 operacion is made in the 12 hower of what ever day and it is to bynde tongs be there made the operacion of tyme to the likenes of a man whome thou wilt bynde the name of the Lord in the head and the name of the hower in the brest and as above the 7 names in the wombe and suffumigacion as above with ligno aloes zapharan thou shalt bury it in the house with thee cleanely and in white silke in the rigg name one i. normet with stoning wich be of 2 operacion of anentis philosopher hide thou it under the constellation 7 nights reading each night the names of the first hower be ther red And suffume thou be 7 nights saying Tu exumleazart et sandalos the name of the hower Rabalon or vahialon Bolemus said while Salomon sought of him that he should ordeine a bath to them or a fier privily The first hower of whatever night beginne thou the worke of bathes or of fyers or of silence Take scorp i. ferrus or yron and as fusu that is brasse melte, make a candle that is to say a vessell having 4 or 6 mouthes* and upon every mouth thou shalt grave these names severally Secesyn hayfaysyn harshin saluj seshin hershdiel remeahalyn Clodel Isus mahede. And in the neather part of the vessell and in everich mouth be a paper made wett in oyle and in the neather party of the vessell these names hid be they graven wich be of stonyng these as Noryn badichin. Anadyn. Sibir sanaphinin. halkars. ahadichin anadyn. bahadin. Sanachin ranchbaili Jahudnil. And make upon the vessell the operacion of a man of brasse having a brasen pottell powring out of oyle into the vessell, and be there oyle in the vessell, that be not with the hand expressed and grave upon the face of the worke these two names chichud ephil The first name in the wombe and that other in the neather aprty of the vessell write ib and tend or kindle all of the papers, and afterward close it with a covercle accordingly that it not be harmed under this evermore. or make upon a vessell an hollow bottom and the water shall be hott for evermore The name of the hower is Cefratetyn or Hamon. The second operacion is of abcision of fornication and that is made in the second hower of everich [90v] night. Bolemus said within the city that is cleped Laumdarah and ordeyne thou operacion in it That the woman do not fornication in it without end wich thus is made Take an operacion of cleane brasse and write in it these names following Myant. chelem. faroc. kahumcul nohegemah and these upon the face of the operation fecherah harsoleth iasad nadnad lecchat badah. And know thou that the first names that is Mynat etc. ought not to be written in the operacion but in a brasen plate and put it in the hand of thoperacion. And then thou shalt bury the operacion lest any man see there where ever it were buried woman shall not do fornication but region shall cleave to Also thou to fishes reptiles to water peches, and to frogs and to all that letteth The name of the hower is Debzul or Canbeul. The third operacion is made in the 3 hower of everiche night and it is to put away beasts as serpents scorpions attercoxs hounds mice and other such when thoperacion were profitt or made of tyme to the likenes of wich thou wilt write The 4th operacion is made in the 4th hower of what ever night and it is to destroy howses townes cityes and divers tents or what ever thou wilt of thine [91r] enemyes that is negation ooste etc Take & anoynt behind thoperacion of a camyl i urna marin. and write in the party of it with hit afflaceros ffeygiltans ffeyglah ceidarophin And then say Adinro vis vt sicut adurnit partes ligneae in igne sic adurat regis vel quicquid vis That is to say I adiure you that as treen partes brenneth in the fyer so burne the region of what ever thou wilt naming such the sonne of such N moder and thou shalt name only what other thing thou would then the names, and read the 7 names turned in the letters for this is the privity of them The name of the hower is Hallahay. The 5 operacion is made in the 5 hower of what evr night. and it is to destroy the hoast of cloudes of haile and tempests, and for to cast among men discord Be there made as above said 2 operacions of a double man of 4te of lead s.r pound and of brasse 2to grave in it these names of angels Nesahaelmiel Jeszarailin. Iszunielaie. atfamin renormen sekarkabel aragi mihan Jehabey bedyemyekalkel These be the names of provocation of whome ever thou wilt to thee I can sothely worche be them for great effect shall follow. Also badakatir cheno syelchech And thou shalt suffume it and bury it in a higher place and if thou wilnest the destruction of a region or another to be put away etc read the 7 names turned The name of the hower is Camfar. The 6 operacion is amde in the 6 hower of what ever night and it is to put any man out of his howse lest he dwell make the operacion of a man of red brasse [91v] and write in it the names of expulsion and suffume it, and write the name of it in the head of him, and let it be in the house of him for whome it is made, and he shall go to flying to another region by 10 miles if for perturbacion of his being and losing of his witt. These be the names of expulsion belychiechyn Raysel. abrail aflin cadeneul miamem bafreni geraodin. barcaiol. analin. foachi. cafalin seche other names for to bren wich is Amagnis etc. And take thilke 7 names of the first hower and be they red. the name of the hower is Zoran The 7 operacion is made in the 7 hower of what ever night and it is to combustion of grapes and sement of trees make a worke of red brasse and grave in it these names i pope percombustiones byablib. gehil combure dd nissu of rede the 7 names turned thou shalt bury it in |